The first thing people ask when they hear about the "PC Master Race" or begin reading this article is, "Is this a real community?". The answer is yes, absolutely. One thing we specialize in as a group is education and facts, and this page is the physical embodiment of just that. So... Why PC? What's the big deal with PC gaming? What's wrong with console gaming? Is PC gaming actually superior? Are consoles really hurting the game industry? Everything will be answered in greater detail, but yes: PC gaming is wholly and objectively superior to console gaming. It can fill absolutely any and every need that consoles can. Any and all limitations or restrictions holding the PC back are entirely artificial and fabricated by console manufacturers, console developers, and console journalists (essentially, the "console industry") to prolong their relevance and profit.

- Pedro Pcmr Costa


Yes. PC MASTER RACE expresses, first and foremost, an idea of community. We're a community of PC enthusiasts who acknowledge the objective advantages of the PC for a multitude of activities, gaming included.

Our main objectives are:

1. To create a large, friendly, varied community where PC enthusiasts can discuss and share content about anything PC related.

2. To strongly contribute to the spread of correct information as well as to fight against misinformation in technology and in gaming.

3. To discuss the advantages of PC, and to help and guide anyone who wishes to join our community.

4. To make the PC users' voices heard throughout the industries of technology and gaming, ensuring they are not forgotten or ill-treated.

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Anyone can be part of our community! You just need to share our enthusiasm for PCs!

Remember that you don't need to own a top-of-the-line gaming PC to join our community! There are members of the PCMR who are only saving up for a PC as they have none or play on desktops or laptops of average or even low specs!


The term "The Glorious PC Gaming Master Race" was used as an ironic expression to describe PC Gamers by game reviewer and comedic writer "Yahtzee" on a review for The Witcher.

"Quite some time ago I coined a phrase in Zero Punctuation ... The Glorious PC Gaming Master Race. It was intended to be ironic, to illustrate what I perceived at the time to be an elitist attitude among a certain kind of PC gamer. ... I meant it as a dig."

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